Hi and welcome to my new blog. This is not the first blog that I have done; in my student days I kept a livejournal on which I published my ramblings about pratically anything, and more recently I have contributed from time to time to the pits'n'pots city blog, which has gone from strength to strength reporting on all goings on, political and otherwise in Stoke-on-Trent. Nevertheless getting the ball rolling on my own blog is still a bit of a daunting task, and I just hope that I can keep the content fresh, interesting, and useful.
The content on this blog will mainly be my views on issues affecting my ward, Longton North, and the wider city of Stoke-on-Trent. I will also occasionally dable in giving you my views on national issues. From time to time I'll also try and plug upcoming local events and I also hope to host contributions from some of my collegues. Posts will be a mix of vidblogs, though I'm still getting to grips with the technology, and traditional written ramblings.
I hope that you enjoy the blog, and will want to check it out from time to time.