Friday, 22 May 2009

Tomorrow Longton

This week has seen the start of the Tomorrow Longton art project, a scheme in partnership with Groundwork Stoke which was initiated by Longton North ward councillors and funded out of our ward budget. The scheme aims to brighten up the hoardings around the former burgess' bakery on the Strand, between Barclays Bank and RD Cresswell and say something about the exciting future of the town.

Burgess' shop was a derelict eyesore in the town centre for many years after it was essentially abandoned by its owner. Cllr Denver Tolley and Richard Creswell whose shop borders with the site campaigned and lobbied through a laborious process to get the building knocked down over many years, long before myself or Mark were elected. Eventually the after too many years and a lot of money spent the building was pulled down last year - to everyones relief. There are still outstanding legal issues which means the council cannot take possession of the land, which is why things have gone quiet on the site.

My fear is that this long, expensive and protracted process for the demolition of derelict buildings in private ownership, will have to be repeated time and time again in our town. We already have too many disintergrating buildings that drag the image of Longton down. But it doesn't need to take a long time - DCLG have brought in a raft of legislation to make it easier to clean up communities blighted by these sorts of problems. The council and NSRP have to invest the cash and act with the muscle they have to get it done and done quick - something we in the ward are pushing for.

However for the Burgess's Bakery site there is a bright future, even in the short term. As part of the project we have comissioned, the hoardings around the site will be painted with designs by children from nearby Gladstone Primary school. The designs will show the children's vision for the future of Longton and I think as well as being wonderfully aspirational they will really enhance the Strand - much better than plain boring chipboard. I for one can't wait to see the designs Gladstone come up with.

You can keep up with the project via their blog -

Thursday, 7 May 2009

The difference between the parties

The clip below is Labour's Party political broadcast in the run up to the European Parliament elections next month. 

Over the past couple of years when I have spoken to BNP and Indy supporters on the the doorstep when canvassing many have told me that the reason they steer clear of the mainstream parties is because they cannot see a difference between them. I have always known that this was not the case because of the basic ethos of Labour- the reason I joined the party - is so different to that of the Tories and Liberals. We believe that by taking action government can make Britain a better place. The other two parties (and most members would be happy to tell you this) believe that people should be left to their own devices.

In the run up to the Euro elections, we can see the difference between the mainstream parties clearer than ever. A Tory Party that will leave you on your own (they have opposed almost every major government intervention during the economic crisis and advocated allowing market forces to run their course) or a Labour Party that is on your side, investing in industry and public services so that we can grow our way out of recession.